How Did We Do In 2022?

We helped our Young Ladies to increase/improve their overall health: mentally, spiritually, and physically!

We helped our Young Ladies to decrease their negative behaviors!

We helped our Young Ladies to increase their relationships with their parents and Family Cohesiveness!

We helped our Young Ladies to increase their self-care practices via getting more sleep and increasing their own productivity!

We helped to decrease arrests among adolescent female youth!

We helped to decrease incidents of theft!

We helped to decrease verbal altercations between students and teachers!

We helped to decrease physical altercations among adolescent female youth!

We helped to decrease the use of weapons among girls!

We helped to increase school attendance!

We helped to decrease property damage occurrences!

We helped to decrease physical altercations with classmates and teachers!

We helped decrease tardiness!

We helped decrease suspensions!

We helped our Young Ladies to increase their ability to take initiative actions!

We helped our Young Ladies to increase their ability to identify barriers and resolution skills to achieve their goals!

We helped our Young Ladies to increase their communication skills!

We helped our Young Ladies to increase their ability to set SMART goals!

We helped our Young Ladies to increase their self-esteem & confidence!

We helped our Young Ladies to achieve their goals!